I cannot be the only person who did not end up in my chosen career.

But at least my crew is hella cute!

I did all the right things. I got those straight A's in high school. I applied to college. I got in with an amazing scholarship. I was well on my way to the life I'd dreamed of.

And then life happened. I was in an abusive relationship with someone & I had trouble focusing on my studies. I went through a breakup and a severe depression episode. I lost my scholarship for one semester and had to go through a stressful appeal process. My grandfather passed away days before I graduated. That perfect life I had planned for myself quickly got away from me.

The next few years continued to throw me some crazy curveballs. I went through a PCOS diagnosis and suddenly my dreams of having a cute little family went out the window. I took on corporate jobs that didn't fuel my soul. I felt like I was wasting away.

And then I sort of accidentally fell into the cleaning industry .. and one thing led to another .. and now Laura and I get to run a six-figure successful small business together.

So today, we're getting real with y'all. We're giving you the back story - how our Plan A's didn't work out and how ultimately getting fired forced us to make a bold career move. Looking back at it all, we really made some sweet ass lemonade with all of the lemons that life has handed us. 

If you read any of this and thought, "Guuurl. I totally relate to all this," then grab your headphones, sit back and get yourself cozy - you'll love today's raw and honest episode. 

You can listen to today's episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you stream your podcasts. Enjoy!