Episode 019: A Deep Dive into Planning Your Social Media Content

Trust us when we say that you will need a pen and paper for this one! This week, we're giving you a peak behind the curtain and explain exactly how we plan out our social media content for the week. We walk you through the process of determining what your content pillars are AND how to use those pillars to plan out a content calendar. We know all too well that social media planning is super overwhelming, but our tangible tips help eliminate some of that stress. Get ready to level up your social media game!

Some takeaways:

  • Having four to five content pillars is the sweet spot!
  • Content pillars are categories for the content you'll be posting. Stick to them!
  • Write your content calendars down on a good ol' fashioned piece of paper. You'll need something to reference as you start putting out consistent content.

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