As a business owner, it is super easy to pinch your pennies everywhere you possibly can, especially when it comes to expenses that may not yield an immediate return on your investment. There are some expenditures that may not seem "urgent," to purchase, but they can be extremely "important," because they can really move the needle in your business.

And so, in today's episode, Laura and I discuss the importance of shifting your mindset in business, particularly the concept of not "stepping over a dollar to pick up a penny." We explore the value of mentorship, the necessity of investing in marketing, and the pitfalls of shiny object syndrome. Their conversation emphasizes the importance of making smart financial decisions, investing in personal development, and recognizing the value of employees as key assets in a business [fyi: your employees are your most important customers]! Together, Laura and I share personal anecdotes and practical advice to help YOU adopt a long-term perspective in your business strategies. If you're looking to level up as an entrepreneur, do not skip this episode!


  • Don't let short-term savings hinder long-term growth.
  • Mentorship can significantly impact your business trajectory.
  • Investing in personal development can yield high returns.
  • Marketing is a crucial investment for sustained success.
  • Avoid the temptation of shiny new products that aren't necessary.
  • Happy, engaged employees heavily contribute to business revenue.
  • Shift your mindset to focus on long-term goals rather than immediate gains.

You can listen to today's episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you stream your podcasts! Enjoy!